How to connect the microcontroller and the ENC28J60 by Daniel L. Marks The software can be used with the Olimex LPC-P2148 evaluation board ( connected to their ENC28J60 interface board. The connections between the two board are as follows: Pin on ENC28J60 evaluation board - pin on LPC-P2148 SCK (pin 1) - P0.17 LPC2148 (SCK1) MOSI (pin 2) - P0.19 LPC2148 (MOSI1) MISO (pin 3) - P0.18 LPC2148 (MISO1) CS (pin 7) - P0.21 LPC2148 RST (pin 8) - P0.22 LPC2148 GND (pin 9) - GND LPC2148 3.3V (pin 10) - 3.3V LPC2148 The pins for the SPI1 (SSP1) are connected to both the SD/MMC card slot and the ENC28J60. Pin P0.20 is used as the select line on the SD/MMC card slot, and pin P0.21 is used as the chip select line for the ENC28J60. They do not seem to have any problems with collisions. The software can also be used with a LPC2119 board (ET-ARM stamp and ET-ARM Stamp Board) from Futurlec ( and the ET-MINI ENC28J60 board. Here are the connections between these two: GND ENC28J60 - GND LPC2119 3V3 ENC28J60 - 3V3 LPC2119 CS ENC28J60 - P08 LPC2119 P0.8 RST ENC28J60 - P09 LPC2119 P0.9 SDO ENC28J60 - P06 LPC2119 MOSI0 SDI ENC28J60 - P05 LPC2119 MISO0 SCK ENC28J60 - P04 LPC2119 SCK0 +3V3 LPC2119 - P07 LPC2119 SSEL0 (needed to enable SPI slave on LPC2119) The same connections should work for the LPC2106. There are pictures of the two devices in this distribution under the directory "pics". There is also a tenative schematic of a custom device in this directory, showing a LPC2148 connected to a ENC28J60 and a SD/MMC card slot. NOTE: even if you don't have an ENC28J60 connected, you still have to tie line P07 to +3V3, because the software will attempt to initialize the SPI which on the LPC2106 and LPC2119 requires the SSEL line high. The LPC2378 doesn't need an ENC28J60, because it already has a built-in ethernet controller. However, you could connect a ENC28J60 to it if you desire. If you compile with the option "-DSPI1" then you can use the wiring for the LPC2148.